There are many answers and all of them may be correct. Different wine regions in different countries adopted their own bottle shape, maybe it was partially an economic reason. It could be that the some bottles shapes were chosen over another because they stack better or possibly it was just for esthetic reasons. In any case these different bottles shapes help us distinguish the different wine types. So after many years it has become a tradition. We are used to seeing German Riesling in long slender bottles or a Cabernet in a Bordeaux bottle.
Even the use of colored glass bottles seems to follow this tradition. Next time your shopping for wine take note of the different colored bottles and type of wine and region they come from, does there seem to be a consistent pattern? Also notice how boring and difficult it would be to choose a wine if they were all in the same style bottle.
There are no hard rules when bottling wine since the bottle shape will not affect the taste. That’s why some winemakers create a special bottle for some of their wines.
Champagne is the only exception since it requires a thicker bottle to withstand the pressure created by the champagne. So if you’re a home wine maker use whatever bottle you choose for you latest vintage and toast the tradition.
Visit Twisted Corkscrew for top quality wine accessories.
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