Storing wine needn’t be expensive. Regardless of what you spend for wines you want to get your money's worth from them. There is a variety of ways that good wine can be properly stored without buying an elaborate cellaring system for your wine. Here are a few key points.
Wine's natural enemies.
Vibration – This is an overlooked danger to wine. Constant vibration can cause a wine to deteriorate prematurely. Storing wine on the top of your refrigerator is a poor choice for wine storage because a refrigerator is constantly vibrating.
Heat - especially sudden heat. Ideally you want to store wine between approximately 50-60 degrees. Slow temperature changes should be fine for most wines but a sudden change will most likely ruin your wine. This is something to be aware of when storing wine in a basement. A basement that is damp, dark, and chilly can make a dream home for your wines but steer away from storage near the furnace.
Oxidation – When air gets in your wine this will cause it to deteriorate. Keeping the cork moist by laying bottles on their sides will help solve the problem. It’s not necessary for bottles with synthetic or plastic corks but it won’t hurt. An inexpensive water feature will also help keep moisture in the air.